Saturday, March 21, 2009

Kids- Pelat

The other day, when we were in the car, on our way to my hometown in Perak, my 3 year old daughter Dhaniyah said this 'ibu nak eron', all of us had a good laugh as actually what she meant was she wanted an orange. She has no problem saying the word orange actually but she has difficulty saying it correctly the first time.

After that the abang and kakak made fun of her pelat and repeatedly saying eron just to annoy her. She was pissed so i told the rest about how they too were pelat when they were her age.

I remember my son Nabil who is now 7, had difficulty saying the word kelakar, he'd always said it as kela kela....'ibu buat muka mcm tadi tu kela-kela lah ibu. And there was one time when he was about 2 when he said 'aner ater ater abil' and he was starting to throw tantrum when we couldn't comprehend what he was saying. He kept saying those words over and over again when finally the kakak who was 4 at that time when ooo...Nabil nak water bottle ke? and gave him his new water bottle then only he was quiet and started giggling again as he got what he wanted.

As for Khairina who will be 6 in October, and when she was about 3 she said 'tatut taet' (takut cat) and when she was younger she had difficulty saying susu and she'd go 'nak us us.'

I can't remember Aina who will be 9 this year being pelat though because she could talk at a very young age. She could jawab salam the 'waalaikumsalam' even before she reaches 2 and I remember one night when she was about one year plus she had a fever and in the middle of the night she went 'nak vitagen' 'nak vitagen', isn't something for a toddler to be able to say such! I didn't see it as a great accomplishment then though many took notice and were amazed by her verbosity, but now when i compare her to her younger siblings, i'm starting to think back and amazed too.

But now that they have outgrown their pelatness, i'm starting to miss it and how we use to go through a lot of trouble in comprehending what they were trying to convey. Sometimes, I wish they don't grow up too fast, their antics are actually music to my ears.


Naz in Norway said...

This is a real treasure. Keep writing them down!
I've written down a lot of the things that my kids said/did when they were younger. Am thinking of giving them that and their birth journals on the day they become mother/fathers :)
Have a good weekend!

Puteri's territory said...

wow kak naz! you jot everything down. you're far-sighted and so organised. I can't never beat you to that! No wonder the kids adore you.