Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Dhaniyah

This 5th of March, marks my Dhaniyah her 4th birthday. Dhaniyah a very entertaining girl, she has many stories to share, has a wide laugh and kuat merajuk at times.  Dhaniyah is well-liked in school by her teachers and friends and she is the tallest in her class.

To my Dhaniyah, happy birthday dear
Ibu, Abah, Kakak Aina, Abang Nabil, Kakak Nina and Hilman love you so so very much.


Naz in Norway said...

Happy Birthday, Honey! :)

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Aww.... happy birthday little one...

Desert Rose said...

Happy Birthday Sayang (kiss kiss)

Memamng a very pretty and sweet girl, very2 well behave and so matured for her age.

Semoga hidupmu sentiasa dalam perlindungan dan dilimpahkan rahmat Allah selalu.

Nic said...

Happy Birthday sweetie pie.. may all your dreams come true..! Ibu tak nak buat birthday party ke...? (^_^)

Puteri's territory said...

Kak Naz, Cik Puan Kamil, DR and Nic,
thanks for the birthday wishes

Nic-birthday? She will have one in her school tomorrow, oh yes I ordered the cuppies from Wondermilk.