Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I was so frustrated today with one of my English classes students. It is frustrating when the students do not take things seriously. Such an ample time was given for them to prepare something that they have learnt, watch and study. But they came out with such crap. I didn't bother to stay on because I just couldn't comprehend what they were trying to do.

They do not feel the importance of learning at all and that's what makes me feel sad. They only just want to be playful and doing fun things. I'd told them too many times that this oral marks will be carried forward until they are in Form 3 and the result of this oral will appear in the PMR slip. But did they care? NO!!!

I want to help them by given them ample time to practise, so they can get good marks for their oral, furthermore the 2 weeks that I couldn't make it to class i've told them to practise their oral, but did they heed my advice and take it seriously? NO!!!!

They just love wasting time and doing nonsense, making noise in the classroom and when the real day comes, they come up with such lame excuses, nobody wanted to stay back because they have tuitions, no transport etc etc. It is so frustrating because they did not put the time when I wasn't around into good use.

I do not have all the time in the world, I have sylabus to finish, books to mark and other classes to teach and I have a life too. You cannot just expect me to give in by expecting me to stay back just to watch the play which I know not worth my time.
I have the power to let them fail their oral, but would I want to do that? NO!!!! But I'm done nagging and talking, if you want good marks for your oral you know what you are supposed to do. I'm just so fed-up and mad with this kind of behaviour as this is not the first time it's happening and I'm beginning to sound like an old record saying the same thing over and over again.

So please have respect for others.


Cik Puan Kamil said...

Hai lah dia orang ni yek ? Relax kak Puteri !!

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for quite a while now and I think as a teacher you are doing great. I just feel that I have to come out right and say isn't really nice when you talk or put your students down like this in your blog.Put yourself in their shoes.
Maybe words of encouragement and "Nasihat" is better, coz i know some of your students read your blog.Kids nowadays are not like before...keep that in mind. The more you nag etc the more they misbehave and all.
Put it in an Islamic perspective..
Tak baik mengaibkan orang.
You chose this profession and everyone knows dealing with kids isn't easy especially TEENAGERS!
Do a lot of zikir and doa...InsyaAllah everything will turn out alright. Allah S.W.T is just testing you..that it's. Be patient and everything will come into palce.
Please except my apologies if you do not like my opinion.
What is good is from Allah and bad is from me.
May Allah bless you sis...

Puteri's territory said...

thanks a million. Dah cool dah.

Puteri's territory said...

hey anonymous,
i truly agree with what you said but at times when marah sangat, I tend to let the anger control my feeling and here in writing.
It is sad when you put your heart and soul to the thing you do and get disappointed in the end.
The students were reminded every time i attend to the classroom. They did not say they were facing or having any problem and when the day came they came up with excuses, this girl is absent, somebody forgot to bring the radio, somebody forgot the cd etc etc. My period that day was wasted just like that, if they'd have mentioned it earlier I'd have spent it on teaching instead.
Of course i doakan yg terbaik for my girls and i try to be supportive in whatever they do but i guess when i put too much passion into it and had it crushed and couldn't help to be a bit frustrated.
I'll bare in mind not to let my anger control my feeling in future.
thanks again, that was a sound advice.