Friday, May 29, 2009


Hey people.... Sorry for the hiatus and the long silence. My laptop kaput again and now using hubby's laptop. I know I need to get a new one and right now trying to save enough money for that. Anyway, lots of things have been happening to me. Where should I begin? Oh well...remember my eldest daughter Nuraina she was supposed to compete in the daerah Pertandingan Syair Islami well well well she did pretty well, she got third! Enjoy the video.
So sorry the video is senget. Not sure how to rectify it.

I was so impressed and proud of her as at this stage she had to compete with other winners from the zone level and they were 16 of them. This time we managed to watch her in action and she was good, although the ustazah said she did a lot better during her practises as this time around she was not so mendayu-dayu and her speed was faster. When I told her that the ustazah said she was faster than usual she said 'Aina ketarlah ibu, Aina nak cepat-cepat habis'. Gelak I. Nonetheless, I'm so so proud of her. Well done sayang! You know the morning of the competition, we were so so nervous as like I told you earlier the runner ups and the winners of the zone level meet here to choose the best to represent daerah Petaling. When we arrived in Subang Jaya, these girls had extravanganza props and ours were minimal. Hence this added to my daughter nervousness (if there's such a word! ahak ahak) but the ustazah told us that props only added 10% to the whole performance but it sure scared the hell out of us. Can you imagine they brought carpet, bouncer net, handphone, picture frames, stroller and etc etc and my daughter only had a doll, a napkin, a cane and a styrofoam in a shape of a tomb. And on that same day I got my new car. It's nothing big or fancy but it is nice. Slightly bigger than the one I had before so now it's easier to ferry the kids around. Hmmmm... what else? Oh yeah the highlight of the day, I danced for the teachers' day celebration today. It was a blast! I had a great time dancing away with my great friends and the students enjoyed the performance too. We danced to the song 'Dancing Queen' from the Mamma Mia soundtrack. The funny thing, it took us 3 days to dance to the tune and the result was awesome. (READ: Perasan! ahak ahak). We wore afro wigs and we had plume ( the feathers boa). We had so much fun basking the glory after that ahak ahak. No pictures yet. I hope to cilok from my friends or my students so I can post it here. Girls, if you happen to record of us dancing, can you burn it in a cd and give it to me. Very much appreciated if you guys could do that to me.


Naz in Norway said...

You doing Dancing Queen? Nak tengok! nak tengok! :D

Lizamurni Lokman said...

hi Puteq,

congrats to Aina and to you too with the new car....kereta apa ek? hihihi...

take care...

ms hart said...

Hi Puteri! Wow...Dancing apt! Memanglah Queen, kan?!;-) And congrats to Nuraina. Very good exposure!

Anyway, I have just sent you an invitation to my blog. Sorry terlambat, though! Check out your email, ok? Enjoy your school holidays!

Puteri's territory said...

Kak Naz,
I will post the video soon after school reopens. Anyway there's one in my facebook but not very happy with the video will upload a better one into this blog soon. Bear with me kay? Tapi bukan best mana pun. Syok sendiri je lebih. ahak ahak.

Puteri's territory said...

alahai kereta biasa je. It's Kia Spectra 5. Besarlah sikit dpd my kelisa dulu.

Puteri's territory said...

Ms Hart,
Queen apa? Queen tidur ye. ahak ahak. I've visited your blog. thanks. tak sempat nak leave comment. Will do bila dpt laptop baru nanti.