Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Funnies .. 

Look what I found while blogwalking, I got this from

This is so reassuring; no, we won't forget..

People are indeed a dangerous specie...

For those whose brains have gone missing..

That's ok. We love you just the way you are...

I'll take that less bratty one, please..

Waitress: Soup or sand, sir?
Customer: I'll have two of those egg sand, please..

What will I Christmas of this year present?
Do I get it what it is?
Remember you Santa present for ask?

"I'm a lil bit cuntry, I'm a lil rock & roll.."

Bash it with your bare head,
you get hurt faster that way..

See? THIS is why we sent you to school!

Thanks but no thanks; I'm not into your nuts,
no matter how fragrant...

One hand coming up, a leg to follow,
all in the name of charity...

Ahah, a kosher bunny!

These pesky Peruvians are everywhere!

I'll share my fannie paper with your fannie..

Pecker hole pretzel, nothing could be more apt..

May I outside then?

Please slow down the stairs,
the handrails need catching up..


SGRMSE. said...
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mel ng said...

how entertaining! :D :D it never fails to amuse me how these signs can be approved and displayed in public! i honestly think that people should invest in hiring good english teachers/translators.

also, i haven't been quiet, teacher! i've just changed my blog address is all. lol. these days, i'm writing here. (: